Benefits of an Associate Degree

Information based on Brookhaven College

College students can earn their associate’s degree in 2 years if they attend school full-time. A typical associate degree program requires at least 60 successfully completed credits. An associate degree is considered the halfway point to earning a bachelor’s degree. Typically, a student earns their bachelor’s degree in 4 years, once they have earned 120 credits.

If you would like to increase your job opportunities, but aren’t ready to commit the time and money to a 4-year degree program, enrolling in an associate degree program provides a way to advance your career in less time and for less money. By exploring the benefits of an associate degree, you’ll be able to decide if an associate degree is right for you.

Associate Degrees Provide Job Opportunities

To obtain a job in most fields, an associate degree is usually a minimum requirement. Employees who have completed at least 2 years of college often acclimate better into the workplace. For you, having an associate degree could mean a better chance at being promoted.

Keep in mind, over the next decade, the number of jobs requiring some level of higher education is expected to grow more rapidly than those that do not. In fact, 11 of the 15 fastest-growing occupations will require post-secondary education.

Associate Degrees Increase Your Salary

On average, people with a college education earn more than those with only a high school diploma, and have higher employment rates. Median earnings for individuals between the ages of 25-34 with an associate degree are 19 percent greater than people who hold only a high school diploma. For individuals with a bachelor’s degree, the earnings premium is even bigger. Median earnings for individuals with a bachelor’s degree are 70 percent greater than those who hold a high school diploma alone.

If you are currently employed and interested in increasing your career prospects in business administration, business management, or criminal justice, available online degree programs can provide you a way to earn your associate degree and continue working.

Earn Your Associate’s Degree Online

If you are hoping to earn your college degree faster, earning your associate degree online could be just the solution you’ve been looking for. Online education gives you the freedom to study any time of the day or night. By earning your associate degree online, you can achieve your academic goals and still have time for work, family, and other important activities.

An Associate Degree Is a Stepping Stone to a Bachelor’s Degree

Earning your associate degree is an important stepping stone to completing a bachelor’s degree and opening more doors in many career fields that require college degrees. Many four-year colleges and universities have created “articulation agreements” with online course providers, online colleges and local community colleges that provide pathways for students to earn their associate degree. When students have earned their associates, they can complete the transfer requirements and get a bachelor’s degree at a four-college or university.

Students who earn an online associate degree save money and create opportunities to earn their bachelor’s degree in their chosen career field.

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